Biodiversity Month: Every Species Matters

September marks Biodiversity Month, a time dedicated to appreciating and understanding the incredible variety of life on Earth. From the tiniest microorganisms to the largest mammals, biodiversity encompasses the entire range of species that inhabit our planet. This month offers a unique opportunity to reflect on the importance of preserving biodiversity and to recognise the intricate relationships that sustain our ecosystems.

Biodiversity refers to the variety of living organisms in a particular habitat or ecosystem. It includes the diversity within species (genetic diversity), between species (species diversity), and the diversity of ecosystems themselves. These elements work together to create the complex web of life that supports all living beings, including humans.

Why is Biodiversity Important?

Biodiversity is crucial for maintaining ecological balance. Each species plays a specific role in its ecosystem, contributing to functions like pollination, nutrient cycling, and pest control. The loss of even a single species can disrupt these processes, leading to unforeseen consequences.

Biodiversity also directly impacts human health and well-being. Many of our medicines, foods, and materials are derived from natural sources. A diverse ecosystem also provides clean air, water, and fertile soil, all of which are essential for our survival.

Many cultures around the world have deep connections with nature. Biodiversity is woven into traditions, spiritual beliefs, and practices that define cultural identities. Protecting biodiversity is also about preserving this cultural heritage.

Ecosystems with high biodiversity are more resilient to environmental changes, such as climate change. A diverse gene pool allows species to adapt to new conditions, ensuring the survival of ecosystems even in the face of challenges.

    Threats to Biodiversity

    Despite its importance, biodiversity is under threat from various human activities. Deforestation, pollution, climate change, and overexploitation of natural resources are leading to habitat loss and species extinction at an alarming rate. According to the United Nations, around one million animal and plant species are now threatened with extinction.

    How Can We Protect Biodiversity?

    Supporting conservation projects, whether through donations, volunteering, or spreading awareness, is a powerful way to protect biodiversity. This includes preserving natural habitats, supporting wildlife protection laws, and creating more protected areas.

    Adopting sustainable practices in our daily lives can significantly reduce our impact on the environment. This includes reducing waste, conserving water, choosing sustainably sourced products, and supporting eco-friendly companies.

    Educating ourselves and others about the importance of biodiversity is crucial. The more people understand the value of biodiversity, the more likely they are to support conservation efforts and make environmentally conscious decisions.

    Advocating for policies that protect biodiversity, such as stronger environmental regulations and support for renewable energy, can lead to significant positive changes on a global scale.

    Whether you’re planting native species in your garden, participating in a local clean-up, or simply taking a moment to appreciate the natural world, every action counts.

    Let’s commit to making small changes that contribute to a more sustainable future. By working together, we can ensure that the incredible variety of life on Earth continues to thrive for generations to come.

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    Awesome August

    What a week, but really I should say what a month! August has been awesome, with so many events and programs linked to National Tree Planting Day, National Science Week and Book Week.

    It was wonderful to be back at the Rhodes Science Festival with Mary Bell from Nature Knows for National Science Week. We always have so much fun talking to visitors and there is always a great vibe at the event.

    I presented the What’s in your Backyard virtual excursion for SciFest 2024, celebrating National Science Week. Almost 4000 students were registered for the event and many classes have followed up and watch the recording below.

    I also created and delivered amazing series of online trivia events for SciFest 2024. I did 4 session linking to the National Science Week Theme Species Survival – More Than Just Sustainability. There were over 6500 students register across, Biology trivia, Australian Animal trivia, Plant life trivia and Environmental trivia.

    It was great to be able to follow up from National Tree Planting Day and do some school tree planting with Greening Australia. Tree Planting enables people to make new habitat zones, improve green spaces, increases shade and creates connection to nature. There are so many ecological and social benefits from tree planting and it is great to be involved in Greening Australia’s Cooling the School program.

    Cooling the Schools is an initiative delivered by Greening Australia and funded by the NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure. Watch a short video from Ferncourt Public School about there Colling the Schools experience.

    I delivered a STEM family activities with Little Scientist at an early childhood centre on the Central Coast NSW. There were 80 children participating in 4 inquiry based learning activities across the afternoon. Children were constructing towers or creating a tool to carry a ping pong ball around an obstacle course. Everyone had a lot of fun.

    I wrapped up August with the Willoughby Fauna Fair. This year was the 20th anniversary of the event. The What’s in your Backyard display and Nature Craft activity fit perfectly into this year’s theme Our Awesome Urban Survivors and celebrated the resilience and adaptability of wildlife in urban environments.

    I definitely deserve a break after all these events, but September is Biodiversity Month and the 5th anniversary of launching Australian Environmental Education. Maybe October will be quieter!

    Australian Environmental Education logo with dragonfly

    National Tree Planting Day

    Trees play a vital role in supporting life on Earth and their significance encompasses ecological, environmental, social, and economic aspects. You can make a difference by planting tree on any day especially Schools Tree Day on Friday 26th July, National Tree Day is Sunday 28th July.

    Australian dry forest

    Planet Ark’s National Tree Day started in 1996 and has grown into Australia’s largest community tree planting and nature care event. It’s a call to action for all Australians to get their hands dirty and give back to the community.

    Here are some key reasons why trees are essential:

    1. Oxygen production: Trees are primary producers of oxygen through the process of photosynthesis. They absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and release oxygen, making the air we breathe cleaner and more breathable.
    2. Carbon sequestration: Trees act as natural carbon sinks, absorbing and storing carbon dioxide, a major greenhouse gas responsible for climate change. They play a critical role in mitigating the effects of global warming by reducing the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere.
    3. Biodiversity support: Forests, which are primarily composed of trees, are incredibly diverse ecosystems that provide habitat and sustenance for a vast array of plants, animals, insects, and microorganisms. Trees contribute to the preservation of biodiversity and help maintain a balanced ecosystem.
    4. Soil conservation: Tree roots help prevent soil erosion, which is crucial for maintaining fertile soil and preventing landslides and desertification.
    5. Water cycle regulation: Trees influence the water cycle by absorbing and releasing water through their roots and leaves. They help regulate rainfall patterns, prevent floods, and maintain groundwater levels.
    6. Climate regulation: Large forests and mature trees have a moderating effect on local and global climates. They regulate temperature, humidity, and precipitation patterns, creating a more stable environment.
    7. Wildlife habitat: Trees provide shelter, food, and nesting sites for a wide range of animal species, including birds, mammals, and insects. Many creatures rely on trees for their survival.
    8. Economic value: Trees are essential for various industries, including timber, paper, and pharmaceuticals. They provide raw materials for construction, furniture, and other products, supporting economies and livelihoods.
    9. Aesthetic and recreational benefits: Trees enhance the beauty of landscapes, parks, and urban areas, contributing to the overall well-being and mental health of people. Green spaces with trees offer opportunities for relaxation and recreation.
    10. Air quality improvement: Trees act as natural air purifiers, filtering harmful pollutants and particulate matter from the air, which is especially crucial in urban environments with high levels of pollution.
    11. Noise reduction: Trees can absorb and dampen sound, reducing noise pollution and creating a more peaceful environment.
    12. Health benefits: Interacting with trees and spending time in natural environments has been shown to have positive effects on mental and physical health, reducing stress, anxiety, and promoting overall well-being.

    Australia’s forests are valued for their diverse ecosystems and unique biodiversity. They perform important environmental functions including storing carbon and protecting soil and water. Forests are also significant places with cultural and heritage values. They also provide access to green space used for recreational and relaxation.

    Given their numerous ecological and societal benefits, the preservation and responsible management of trees and forests are essential for the long-term health and sustainability of our planet.

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    Hosting a Sustainable Party

    I moved up to the Central Coast from Sydney a few months ago and we had our housewarming party last weekend. I’ve been writing about sustainable parties and wanted to reduce plastic waste at this event too and keep to a budget.

    Party graphic on how to reduce plastic waste.
    Credit: Queensland Environment

    There were a few challenges that I will share with you.

    • Buying bulk food to reduce packaging wasn’t as easy as I hoped. The local wholesale butcher was great for sausages but I had to buy smaller packs of chicken skewers each in a plastic container. I ended up making additional chicken skewers to reduce waste.
    • Separate bins for food waste. I wasn’t able to separate as much waste into the recycling bin. Next time I will have signs explaining to people to scape their plates first, with a bin for food waste and the recycling bin next to it.


    • Help from friends, we borrowed fabric bunting that helped decorate the backyard. It looked great and can be used over and over. I had some paper bunting left over from my daughters birthday party, it looked great, but didn’t hold up in the rain. Easy to recycle, but fabric bunting is the way to go if you have someone that can sew.
    • The party was outside so we used lights to help decorate the space, they look great and we now use them all the time.
    • We made Return and Earn signs and everyone was great putting cans and bottles in the right bins. People were also good at sorting out the larger bottle into the recycling bin too.
    • It is so much easier to find good quality non plastic disposable plates and cutlery. I had extra large bowls and serving tray too. I used the foil BBQ trays to prepare salads and other food.
    • With more help from friends, lots of people brought in homemade desserts.

    I will continue advocating for sustainable parties and each time I put one on it will get easier. My biggest takeaway is ask friends and family for help, borrow items to reduce costs, let people bring food – sustainability is a community effort. Remember start small, you need to balance your budget and time to reduce your waste.

    Australian Environmental Education logo with dragonfly

    World Water Day 2024

    Today is World Water Day, the 22 March highlights the importance of freshwater. The day is used to promote the sustainable management of freshwater resources. This years theme of World Water Day 2024 is ‘Water for Peace’.

    World Water Day 2024 banner

    Water is essential for all life and is the most abundant substance on Earth, yet water scarcity is one of the biggest issues facing us today. Australia is the world’s driest inhabited continent and 2019 was on of the the hottest and driest year on record. Because of many years of dry conditions, the drought worsened in 2019, resulting in Australia’s driest year on record. With area-average rainfall of just 277.6 mm almost the entire continent was in drought.

    However in many part of the world, Water can create peace or spark conflict. When water is scarce or polluted, or when people have unequal, or no access, tensions can rise between communities and countries. More than 3 billion people worldwide depend on water that crosses national borders. Yet, only 24 countries have cooperation agreements for all their shared water.

    As climate change impacts increase, and populations grow, there is an urgent need, within and between countries, to unite around protecting and conserving our most precious resource. Public health and prosperity, food and energy systems, economic productivity and environmental integrity all rely on a well-functioning and equitably managed water cycle.

    Even through water covers 75% of the earth’s surface, only a very small amount is freshwater that can be used directly by people, animals and plants. This is because:

    • 97% of this water is in oceans and is too salty for people, animals or plants to use
    • 2% is frozen at the north and south poles, in glaciers and on snowy mountain ranges
    • Only 1% is avaiable as freshwater in rivers, lakes and groundwater.
    Earths water vector illustration. Labeled global liquids ecosystem scheme. Environmental fresh
    Earths water: ocean, river, sea and groundwater ©: normaals

    This World Water Day think of how you can use water more wisely in your daily life. Below is some information to help you get started.

    How to be Waterwise

    Water is essential for all life and is the most abundant substance on Earth, yet water scarcity is one of the biggest issues facing us today. Australia is the world’s driest inhabited continent and 2019 was the hottest and driest year on record

    The Urban Water Cycle

    The natural water cycle has been modified by people to ensure a constant water supply and the safe disposal of wastewater. The Urban Water Cycle incorporates the Water Supply System, Wastewater system and the Stormwater system.

    Why is Water Important

    Water is the most common substance found on earth, so why is it important? Water is essential for all forms of life and can dissolve nearly anything. It can exist as a gas (water vapour and steam), a liquid (water) and a solid (ice).

    Australian Environmental Education logo with dragonfly

    Making a Dragonfly Garden

    I’ve recently move to the Central Coast in NSW and have been amazed by the variety of wildlife. With the good has also come the bad and there are a lot of mosquitos in some areas of my backyard. I have put in mosquito repelling plants near the house and I’m building a Dragonfly garden.

    Dragon Fly garden

    It does seem odd to get rid of mosquitos by putting in a pond, but I have thought this through. Dragonflies hunt insects like mosquitos in both their larval and adult forms. Dragonfly nymphs actively seek mosquito larvae as part of their diet. A single dragonfly nymph can consume hundreds of mosquito larvae during its development.

    As adults, dragonflies continue their role as mosquito hunters. With exceptional flying abilities and keen eyesight, they prey on adult mosquitoes reducing the population before they have a chance to lay eggs.

    Follow these steps to encourage dragonflies to your backyard and maximize their impact on mosquito control:

    • Create or maintain ponds, wetlands and other water bodies to provide suitable habitats for dragonfly nymphs.
    • Minimize the use of chemical pesticides, as these can harm dragonflies and disrupt the delicate ecological balance.
    • Incorporate native plants around water bodies to provide suitable resting spots and breeding sites for adult dragonflies.

    Dragonfly Garden infographic
    Dragonfly Garden infographic © Australian Environmental Education

    Research Dragonfly Species in Your Area

    Find out which species of dragonfly are native to your area. Different species have specific habitat requirements, and tailoring your garden to their needs will attract a bigger variety. Consult local field guides or search on the iNaturalist Australia for information on dragonfly species in your area.

    Choose the Right Location

    Dragonflies love sunny spots with plenty of warmth, so choose a location for your garden that receives ample sunlight throughout the day. Dragonflies spend a significant part of their life in and around aquatic environments. They lay their eggs in the water, so they need access to water as part of their lifecycle. If you aren’t putting in a pond build your dragonfly garden near a water source.

    Incorporate Water Features

    You can create an above ground pond in a large pot or an in ground pond with a prefabricated pond or using pond liner. Add materials like rocks, gravel, branches and plants to provide suitable resting spots and breeding grounds. Ensure the water is clean and unpolluted. You can also add floating plants like water lilies for additional hiding spots.

    There is a natural stormwater channel that I wanted to incorporate my dragonfly garden into. Because it is usually completely dry I went for a prefabricated step pond. It has 2 depths making it ideal for this slopped area and I used the surrounding rocks to make it level.

    Choose Dragonfly-Friendly Plants

    Selecting the right plants is crucial to creating a dragonfly-friendly environment. I went for a mix of native flowering plants and grasses that provide landing spots for dragonflies and attract the insects they feed on. I also wanted to include plants of varying heights to create layers and provide shelter.

    I sourced everything from the local nursery and brought some different ground covers including a Grevillia and Pigface to stabilised the ground surrounding the pond. I also included a couple of different species of Lomandra and a Kangaroo Paw. To attract insects and to provide height I went with 2 more Grevillias.

    Most importantly were the water plants; I put in 3 different plants including a Water Lilly. An added advantage is that any aquatic invertebrates that hitched a ride in the plants should be local.

    Create Sunning and Resting Spots

    Dragonflies love to bask in the sun, and providing suitable sunning spots is essential for their well-being. Incorporate flat rocks or logs strategically placed around your garden where dragonflies can rest and warm their bodies. These areas also serve as excellent vantage points for hunting insects.

    Minimize Pesticide Use

    To create a thriving dragonfly garden, it’s crucial to minimize pesticide use. Dragonflies are predators and chemical pesticides to kill mosquitoes can harm them as well. Use organic alternatives to maintain a healthy and balanced ecosystem.

    Maintain a Balanced Ecosystem

    A successful dragonfly garden relies on a balanced ecosystem. Encourage biodiversity by incorporating a mix of plants to provide a diversity habitats. Regularly maintain your garden by removing invasive species and keeping the water features clean.

    Dragonfly drying it's wings after metamorphosis

    Building a dragonfly garden is a rewarding endeavour that goes beyond just the aesthetics. By creating a habitat that caters to the needs of dragonflies, you contribute to the overall health of your backyard ecosystem. With a little effort and thoughtful planning, you can turn your outdoor space into a sanctuary where dragonflies thrive.

    Find out what else you can do to create a wildlife friendly backyard with the What’s in your Backyard activity series.

    Australian Environmental Education logo with dragonfly

    World Environment Day 2023: Beat Plastic Pollution

    More than 400 million tonnes of plastic is produced every year worldwide and less than 10 per cent is recycled. Over half of the plastics produced every year is designed to be used only once. Discarded or burnt single-use plastic harms human health and biodiversity and pollutes every ecosystem from mountain tops to the ocean floor. An estimated 19-23 million tonnes of plastic waste end up in lakes, rivers and seas annually.

    Plastic pollution has emerged as one of the greatest environmental challenges facing our planet. The durability of plastic coupled with its improper disposal and inadequate recycling infrastructure has led to its accumulation in landfills, waterways, and oceans. This issue is particularly relevant for Australia, given its vast coastline and marine biodiversity, making it crucial to address the impact of plastic pollution on the nation’s fragile ecosystems.

    We need to make a nationwide commitment to combat plastic pollution and implement sustainable practices. Governments, in collaboration with environmental organizations, local communities, and businesses need to work together to to find a long term solution including:

    1. Promoting Awareness and Education
    2. Expansions on Plastic-Free Initiatives
    3. Investing in Recycling Infrastructure
    4. Collaborative Partnerships.
    5. Supporting Research and Innovation

    World Environment Day theme for 2023 is a reminder that people’s actions on plastic pollution matters.  Try some of these idea to help you reduce your plastic waste.

    Tips to reduce plastic waste and to prevent ocean pollution

    Australia stands at the forefront of the global battle against plastic pollution. The nation’s commitment to reducing plastic waste, promoting awareness, and fostering sustainable practices demonstrates its dedication to preserving our unique natural environment. From protecting biodiversity to addressing climate change, promoting sustainable practices to fostering Indigenous stewardship, We are taking significant steps towards creating an environmentally responsible nation. However, the journey towards sustainability is ongoing, and it requires continuous efforts from individuals, communities, and governments alike. Let us unite in our commitment to preserve and restore our precious ecosystems, ensuring a greener and brighter future for Australia and the world.

    Together, we can make a difference. Happy World Environment Day!

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    SeaWeek 2023

    SeaWeek is Australia’s major national public awareness campaign to focus community awareness and appreciation of the sea. This week-long event is held every year in March and provides a great opportunity to learn about marine environment. So, take a dive under the water this SeaWeek and explore our amazing marine environments with me.

    Seaweek graphic

    It was great to be able to spend time diving over the last few week exploring the marine environment around Sydney.

    Marine Life title slide

    Explore the amazing diversity of Marine Life. Take a journey beneath the waves to explore this wonderful world. Learn about some of these incredible animals, their adaptions and habitats with the resources below.

    Where the river meets the sea title slide

    Follow the journey of water down the river through the catchment to the sea. Water is essential for all forms of life and the small amount of available freshwater create competing pressures for our water resources. 

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    World Rivers Day

    World Rivers Day is a celebration of the World’s Waterways!

    It highlights the many values of our rivers, strives to increase public awareness, and encourages the improved stewardship of all rivers around the world. Rivers in virtually every country face an array of threats, and only through our active involvement can we ensure their health in the years ahead.

    Murrumbidgee river

    Australia has 439 rivers, many of these rivers are quite small and are tributaries that flow into larger rivers.

    Image copyright: Summerdrought

    What is a Catchment?

    A river is a natural watercourse flowing towards an ocean, sea, lake or another river. In some cases, a river flows into the ground and becomes dry at the end of its course without reaching another body of water.

    Meandering Rivers

    A meandering stream has a single channel that winds snakelike through its valley. As water flows around these curves, the outer edge of water is moving faster than the inner.

    Find out more about rivers

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    Only One Earth

    World Environment Day is celebrated every 5th of June  and this years theme is “Only One Earth” with the focus on “Living Sustainably in Harmony with Nature”. 

    “Living Sustainably in Harmony with Nature” has also been a key focus of mine since starting Australian Environmental Education. I believe you can make a difference today with every choice you make.

    There are many ways that you can help to conserve Australia’s environment and be more sustainable. Think about the choices you make every day; how do you get to school, what do you put in the bin, how long was your shower today, did you remember the reusable bag for the shopping? 

    Free Education resources

    Help restore your local ecosystem this World Environment day with these great activities. Creating a Wildlife Habitat is a 5 part program that can help you plan and plant a wildlife habitat at your school, home or local area.

    Backyard with folowers and sustainability features

    Focus on Frogs

    In urban areas, human development has reduced the natural habitat available to frogs. The Focus on Frogs workshop provides information and skills that will enable you to discover what frogs live in your backyard or local area.

    Minibeasts in your Garden

    Minibeasts in your Garden explores the diverse world of minibeasts. Discover why minibeasts are important and learn how find them in your garden or local park. The program will help you to identify common groups of backyard minibeasts and provides information and skills to conduct your own minibeasts investigation.

    Noises in the Night 

    You don’t see many of the animals that live in your local area because they are nocturnal. Often it is the Noises in the Night that give us a clue to the nocturnal species that are living in our local area.

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